Frequently asked questions

Online EFT, bank cheque or Visa payment.

Yes, funding available through approved companies or your DSP case officer.

No minimum required to run a course.

Yes supervisors are welcome at any time.

Yes once the course has not started all are welcome.

All personal protective equipment and materials is supplied.

When the course is completed

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012.

Yes a QQI cert is issued to all successful candidates by Quality and Qualifications Ireland

Not always, this depends on course choice. Please ask upon course selection.

Grades are as follows – Pass, Merit, Distinction.

QQI issue certs approximately 60 – 90 days after completion.

Yes QQI certs are registered and recognised at third level institutions.